
20 Nov 2013
03.03 1

17 gambar WOW dari pihak NASA

Berikut adalah gambar yang di ambil oleh NASA yang mana memberikan perasaan WOW dan menakjubkan pada kita. Apapun, sayangi bumi kita. Rindukan kehijauan. Kerana amatlah sukar untuk kita mengantikan bumi ini andai ia rosak kerana tangan manusia itu sendiri. Walaupun ada planet yang punyai eco sistem yang sama dengan bumi, tetapi ia masih jauh untuk di gapai oleh teknologi manusia yang sungguh terhad.

1. Bruce McCandless during an EVA.

Bruce McCandless during an EVA.

2. Earthrise.


3. Early morning view of Apollo 4 unmanned spacecraft on launch pad.

Early morning view of Apollo 4 unmanned spacecraft on launch pad.

4. One of the first photos taken by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity on the surface of Mars.

One of the first photos taken by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity on the surface of Mars.

5. In Saturn’s Shadow.

In Saturn's Shadow.

6. Transit of the International Space Station (ISS) during the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4 2011 from Oman.

Transit of the International Space Station (ISS) during the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4 2011 from Oman.
Astrophotographer Thierry Legault

7. Images from the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.

Images from the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.

8. Space builders aboard the International Space Station.

Space builders aboard the International Space Station.

9. The ISS.

The ISS.

10. Sunset on Mars.

Sunset on Mars.

11. The legendary Pale Blue Dot, taken by the Voyager 1 space-probe from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers from Earth.

The legendary Pale Blue Dot, taken by the Voyager 1 space-probe from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers from Earth.

12. NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula or often referred to as “The Eye of God.”

NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula or often referred to as "The Eye of God."

13. Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin on the lunar surface.

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin on the lunar surface.

14. The Apollo 12 rolls out onto the launch pad.

The Apollo 12 rolls out onto the launch pad.

15. A young Neil Armstrong takes a test flight in the X-15.

A young Neil Armstrong takes a test flight in the X-15.

16. Photograph of the Apollo 13 service module, showing the extensive damage resulting from an onboard explosion that kept them from landing on the moon.

Photograph of the Apollo 13 service module, showing the extensive damage resulting from an onboard explosion that kept them from landing on the moon.

17. The Blue Marble.

The Blue Marble.

1 komentar:

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