
7 Jun 2012
04.40 0

LOVE, what is love?

LOVE is matter of heart. To connect the feeling of being care and to care, between human.
But, today, love is related to SEX. The ultimate act of LOVE is SEX. Is it true?

We can see nowadays that young people seek the love to fulfill the need of coupling after seeing other people. It kind of TREND. Is it LOVE is a trend?

Young people love and ultimate act is making love a.k.a sex. Sex seem like proof of love. If not making sex, they do the act to fulfill the lust of sex. Ermmmm, such as Kiss or hugging.

So, what is your opinion about LOVE?
What is Love actually?
Yes, it was a heart kind a thing felling. But, what is defined LOVE between two human?
SEX? Feeling? caring? compromised?

Well, if you have the opinion, throw it here.

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